hide Egyptian Mongoose (Herpestes ichneumon)

hides Egyptian Mongoose (Herpestes ichneumon)

Hide for photography Egyptian Mongoose (Herpestes ichneumon)



Temporada finales de verano, otoño

Located just an hour and a half from Madrid, in a town near Talavera de la reina.

The same hide also offers the possibility of photographing other species that enter as: Busardo ratonero, Milano real (flights) black and griffon Vultures. There are also many possibilities of photographing imperial Eagle in flight, and sometimes perched. (A couple of adults)


  • Session for one or two people
  • Transportation in 4×4
  • Cristal espía
  • Horario: desde 13h hasta la puesta de sol. (según comportamiento de la especie)


Enter multiple groups per session of 2, 3 and up to 5 copies together.

Para que la sesión tenga éxito es imprescindible permanecer en absoluto silencio, se trata de animales que poseen un oído y un olfato extremadamente agudo y detectarán nuestra presencia con mucha facilidad.

Precio: 85€ una persona. Dos personas 75€ casa uno


Not guaranteed to be 100% the input of any of the above mentioned species, are wild animals and cannot be predicted with certainty its behavior

Phone: (608 777 042

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